Birthday Dinner
Semalam aku dpt izin drpd hubby untuk join dinner cum birthday party with my colleague of 212. It was Susan's birthday actually. Susan ni Malaysian Chinese, doing a Phd in AIDS management. Semua ahli bilik hadir kecuali Pat yg ada function keluarga. Pat umurnya dah 78 tahun, tp otaknya bergeliga dan masih sihat & aktif. Kalau tgk mesti tak percaya, mcm org umur 60 jer gitu. Pulak tu buat Phd in Cancer Research. Very nice lady. In fact semua org dlm bilik 212 pun very nice & helpful. Aku jer selalu ngelak2 nak join depa. Especially when it comes to functions with food.
Tapi bila dah join program2 cam dinner, barulah kita tahu yg most of them knew so little about Islam. Things like what we can & cannot eat is rather mysterious to them. Apatah lagi perkara2 lain. I guess if not because of me, some of them tak tahu (atau tak mahu tahu) pun. So in consideration of that, Susan chose an Indian restaurant. Also because Sumitra, who is a Nepalese (Hindus) cannot eat beef. It's nice to know that they are willing to take into account of all this fact. It might not be the perfect solution, tapi it beats not making a presence at all. (I do that all the time, here.) The best part, I was given to honour to choose the next choice of restaurant, for our next lunch @ dinner function.
Guess what we talked about after dinner? The OSCARS & Hugh Jackman, of course. ;-) A perfect after meal discussion. Yummy!
So what were their reactions about Islam?? Especially about things that we can't eat. Do they take it positively?
ReplyDeletePositively? Ok jugak tau. In fact masa Christmas party last year (which I escaped!)si Alison tu siap tanya menu apa aku nak makan. Canner nak buat dia..aku pulak yg sian kat dia..he..he..he