In A Daze

Come January the 28th, it will be 6 months that I am here in Melbourne. Somebody was asking me - How would you sum up your intellectual and emotional experiences in Melbourne so far?

Well, let's just say this...I could not remember why I was so excited to see the scholarship offer 10 months ago. I can't even relive the exhilaration of packing to move to another country. Sorry...mate, wrong timing to ask such a question. To tell you the truth, I am in a daze, and wish I would snap out of this soon.

But, I feel grateful that intellectually and emotionally, so far I am still able to handle my family and myself here. I know others who have been through other worst case scenarios. It could have been better, but I take what I can get now and pray that Allah gives me the patience and consistence in my task. I know it could have been a lot worst, so Alhamdulillah, my family and I feel gratified.


  1. dh bosan ka weiii???hehehe aku rindu masakan mak aku kt kg nie..isk iskk iskkk

  2. Loh...balik jelah. NI airasia dok jual tiket murah2 nih..

  3. salam.. x sangka ada junior kita dh terlepas ke australia buat phd.. feel free 2 drop by my blog

    bytheway, pls ask ibrahim, apa khabar fauzi chun & what is he doing right now?

  4. Waalaikumussalam,

    Abg Lipi kan?...Panjang umuq! Sy br teringat semalam. Jgnlah tanya knp sy teringat, nanti panjang pulak citernya. Ingat nak carik dlm google. Rupanya dah jumpa sy dulu.

    Wah, masih aktif lagi yer... Nanti sy linkkan dlm blog ni.

    As for Fauzi, nanti i'll email you..

  5. xnak tnya pun teringat kat kita pasal apa.. tapi yg nak tanya tu knpa sampai nak kena google nak cari kita tu..!?

    ape2hal pun Tuhan dah gerakkan hati kita terjumpa kat ruangan blog. ape citer kwn2 se-batch? xde yg buat blog ker?

  6. OO sebenarnya google org lain, pastu terjumpa org lain, pastu teringat pulak...u know the list goes on. he..he..he

    So far tak jumpa lg blog org lain..kat Mesia internet kat problematic frustrating.

    O Fauzi kat MMU (melaka)skrg. Look him up, can email direct.

  7. Ni email dia yer...


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