Anything built on a lie will never last. Once you start one you'll have to keep on piling the lies. One day, eventually you found that your lies caught up with you. Then, everything will start to fall part.
You can start remedying the situation by telling the truth; but like the boy who cried 'wolf' when there was none, I doubt your truth will be accepted as one anymore once you are found to be a liar. At least that's how I would see it. Perhaps those you lied to are willing to give you a second chance. They are simply too kind. But know that the experience being lied to by you will always be there at the back of their mind.
The next time you thought of living of a lie - remember! it will never last!!! In a friendship, you'll lose an ally in every single person you lied to. In a relationship, you'll lose the trust and faith of your companion. Anything built on a lie will never last...
Me ~ Teringat lirik lagu Nirwana Band: 'Sudah cukup cukup sudah, Cukup sampai di sini saja, Daripada hati gelisah, Cintaku kau balas dengan dusta'...
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