One of those days...
It was one of those days...
The morning started of with the fact that it was very cold! It was the coldest of the week so far. In fact at 6 am Melbourne City has recorded its coldest Autumn morning since 1944, 2.9 degrees . Imagine that...and it's not even winter yet. Last night we gave up, unzipped the electric blanket & laid it nicely on our bed, before we took the plunged & slept with assisted warmth ;-)
The warmth did not last, at least not in our hearts. At 6.22 am, mama sent a SMS. It was 4.22 am back home, then. You know how people sometimes say no news is good news, well it applies in such cases when you either get a phone call or SMS in the wee hours of the morning, which always rhyme with bad news. (Unless you are giving birth, of course). The message was simple 'Opah Aiman has moved on...' INALILLAH WA INALILLAHIRAJIUN.
The warmth did not last, at least not in our hearts. At 6.22 am, mama sent a SMS. It was 4.22 am back home, then. You know how people sometimes say no news is good news, well it applies in such cases when you either get a phone call or SMS in the wee hours of the morning, which always rhyme with bad news. (Unless you are giving birth, of course). The message was simple 'Opah Aiman has moved on...' INALILLAH WA INALILLAHIRAJIUN.
It's utterly heartbreaking, knowing how Aiman & Baarizah (my nephew & niece) was very close to their Opah. I just couldn't imagine how they deal with the situation. We pray that they'll be alright. We pray that the whole family will be able to cope with such loss :-(. And what a big loss it is. May Allah gives them the patience & strength to face the days ahead.
Sad & cold, my day must go on. Aliyah had to be in school by 9 am. By 8.50 am we reached the car at the residential parking area, just to be warned that I have halfly parked the car in front of a loading zone of the residential unit storage area (well it looks like a place for dumping junk to me!) and I could have been fined AUD113 for such ‘breach’. Well, as usual, I turned my ‘immunity’ switch and just apologized and play dumb ;-) and got away with it, of course.
Once Aliyah’s at school, I headed straight to the airport to pick up Kak Rodhiah & Abg Kamel who had just arrived from Auckland. I arrived safely at the airport. On the way home, however, most probably due to engaging in interesting conversation with Kak Yah, I missed out the right exit twice, once to the Hume highway and another towards Plenty Road. I am a little bit nervous and intimidated, I guess by all the monstrous trucks ‘grazing’ the highway. They all look like double the size of “Optimus Prime”. Anyway, I managed to re coordinate my tracks and found my way back to Waterdale Road in time to go to Preston market.
After lunch, it’s time to pick up Aliyah at 3 pm. As I was trying to find a place to park the car near her school, I ‘succeeded’ in pissing off a not so lady-like driver for making her wait & giving a late signal. She was obviously in such a hurry (nak terkencing agaknya!), rushed pass me while waving her hand in anger towards my ‘incompetence’ in driving. Well again, as usual, I turned my ‘immunity’ button and just play dumb ;-). I’m sure she won’t have the time to reverse her car for a catfight with me. (Although, that would be fun to see)
By the time Aliyah reached home, I had to head back to the uni for my 2 weekly seminars. Unlike last weeks’ engaging discussion, I personally found that both contents of the seminar today seems rather unrelated to what I am doing. They just made me more confused. That’s like 5 hours of simmering yourself under water. And I don’t even know how to swim or dive for that matter! Hmmm, at least I think I got something, a tiny point…well better a little thing rather than nothing at all.
Ahhh…what a day it was…and why am I still standing?
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