Is the grass always greener on the other side?

Well for starters, compared to Malaysia, Melbourne lacks green grasses. So why bother wondering if the grass is greener here ;-P.

Then, comes the part where you always feel that others have better things than you. 'His yard seems greener than mine. How fair is that?!'. You became green with envy. Your hearts and desires yearn to have the same thing or even more. Admits's there, it happens.

I was once at that phase in my earlier days here. Well, it passes. Alhamdulillah...Thank God too for a husband to hold my reign!

Now, I am just grateful I have a roof above my head, a beautiful healthy family, an understanding but underrated husband, enough money to survive & thrive and supervisors that whips me to move faster. That just reminds me...why I am here in the first place. Huwaaaa...

Nowadays, there is just too many thing to do at a time, that it makes me feel like burying my head in the sand, like this guy! And my time is running short. Tick..tock...tick...tock..

P/S: Do you know that ostrich does not bury its head in the sand? It's a mere rumour. No scentific truth to it at all. They are not as stupid as some people might seem to think.


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