The (In)Famous Fadzlina

There are several solemn news this week. Some if not most of them was anticipated of course, so there's no point in talking about it. Can't say that I was totally prepared, but I am not in total shock either...Whatever it is I believe our livelihood is determined by Allah. There's always other means elsewhere, Insya Allah.

But sometimes I wonder if the principle that I should always stay true to myself is causing me more trouble than ease. There are always times when my 'reputation' precedes me, whatever that is. Still, I do not wish to be known for my good deeds for fear of being 'riak' what more bad ones for fear of not fearing the ONE. Worst, I definitely don't want to be known for a misunderstood deed for fear of causing 'fitna'. Especially not by people who don't even know me!

I just wish it's not happening here...all the way, thousands of miles from home. Makes me feel...why bother, I should have stayed back home!

But then again, at the end of the day I believe that these tribulations will make me a stronger person. I have faith in myself as I do the Most Exalted One. So I won't let the scuttlebutt affect my limited months here. As Ron Adams was saying in his talk today, I have a project to manage!

Whatever it is, for the record I am Nor Fadzlina Nawi. Please to meet you...and nice to know 'about' you whoever you think you ARE...


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