Seasonal Change...

When the children started having a viral infections one week after another and the sky is starting to turn grey, it meant the warmer season has ended! This time around, summer has been very mild, indeed. I could count the days when it was really warm. Soon the leaves will start to change colour and fall. Not to mention the temperature too :-(

In one month's time daylight saving ends and time will be reverted back one hour, making a difference of two hours with KL, instead of three hours currently. It also meant daytime is going to be shorter. Shorter days, less sunshine, lower temperature equivalate - DEPRESSINGLY COLD! The bureau of meteorology is also forecasting a lot of rain in the next two months, which means the weather is going to be CHILLY too! Before I came to Melbourne, I didn't even know there was a difference between flat out cold and the chilly winter wind brought on usually by rain. When both of them combined, you'd feel like buying a flight ticket back home!!

So the thermal blanket has been laid out on our beds yet again. And when the heater started coming on in a month's time (or maybe even sooner) we will officially be in the colder seasons of the year. The utilities bills always double in the cold season, because of heater usages and what made it worst, the provider charges double rates throughout the winter seasons. CISS!!

Anyway, since I moved to an office with self-controlled heaters recently, I'm planning to do quality work there this winter. In the last 2 and half year, my former office had no indoor heaters, and we had to rely on portable ones. It's not very effective. Most of the times I can't feel my fingers because of the coldness, and thus I can't do much typing or thinking!! I would be spending half the time trying to get warm. It's not very productive.

As for the children, we need to get them some raincoats and boots, two items, which have long been forgotten from Victorians dress codes due to the 10 years-drought. Well, the drought is officially over, and the rain keeps falling and falling that it's flooding all over regional Victoria and the CBD itself nowadays... hmmm...much like KL. I also vow that they must attend their school every day (or twice a week for Uwais) this year, unless they are down with a fever. There's no way they will build their antibodies against flu and cough or any viral infections, if they keep hiding indoors when the 'goings gets tough'. That said, regardless of season - I still have to drag Aliyah out of her bed every morning, whilst Uwais jump off his bed and wake everyone else up! Talk about not comparing your children ;-)

Sian Luqman pun demam gak - tempias kakak & abang,
semalaman tak berapa lena tidur, sejuk pulak tu :-(
But bila siang, dah boleh senyum, maksudnya demam dah ok sikit :-)

Bila dah boleh gelak, mama pun rasa lega sikit :-). Semoga adik cepat baik! Amin.


  1. Fadz, selamat bertukar musim :D Juga mood. He..he. As for me, cuaca sgtlah mempengaruhi mood. In Melbourne bye2 summer, hi..hi winter. We all..bye..bye winter, hi..hi summer. Alahaiiiiii..can't wait for the summer!
    p.s I think you know this,or little reminder: dinasihatkan di musim sejuk, bila keluar rumah make sure rambut anak-anak (jika mandi) tidak basah. If basah, mmg senang kena attack flu.

  2. jealous ;-) Masa winter everything seems to slow down. Tp this time tak boleh ma, so many work dh nak hujung2 ni, mesti kasi pulun!!

    Anyway, thanks for the tips, although to tell you the truth, the kids tak mandi pun time nak p sekolah, main cuci2 style P Ramlee jer ha..ha..ha


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