Happy Mama's Day

Hari ni sekolah Aliyah celebrate Mother's day. In the morning, semua kanak2 riang with the help from their teachers buat cupcakes & some art work to be presented to everyone's mother. Program start around 2 pm, sejam sebelum sekolah tamat. Ramai jugak mama2 yg hadir, termasuklah mama Afifah & mama Arin and also one or two fathers. Kebanyakkannya bawak snack for the program, so byklah makanannya. Throughout the hour, semua bonda2 dpt cupcakes & card wishing 'Happy Mother's Day' from their children along with a pot of decorated plant (I think..he..he..he).

Anyway, buat mama di Malaysia - Selamat Hari (Tok) Mama from all of us here ;-)


  1. oho.. kat Aussie mama's day nye sama kat Malaysia yee.. Kat UK ni, dah sambut last month kot..tapi kitorang tak join sbb tarikh Mother's day kat UK ni ada kaitan dgn christinity ...bile ek kat Malaysia?

  2. Akak rasa sama, 2nd sunday of May. Nipun sambut awal sikit sbb sunday kan cuti sekolahnya


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