Favourites and Dreams

Image Courtesy - AHG
This is my favourite ride. Nothing fancy, just typical-me style ride he..he..he... Someday...one day, after Hajj, dizinkan Allah, dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur, and when the kids are all in schools, I am going to get one of these! And like Uwais, I want it in RED :-D

Then I am going to pursue my dream of running a complete marathon and continue my long lost 'Adventurous' activities, including hiking, mountain climbing and cave-trotting. That time I am going to drag my DH along with me, whether he likes it or not. He watch Mr Bear in Man vs Wild all the time, and called him 'Crazy'! Although, I am not Crazy Mr Bear, but there's something about being one with nature, that I somewhat cannot explain. You can only appreciate it when you are there - and survived the insects ;-P. For me, I loved the caves, especially . I have been to several during my bachelor days. I wished I had finished the ones in Sarawak too.

Yup...when the children starts leaving the nest...I will pursue these dreams yet again. Hopefully, I had the right density of bones, then. Who knows, if DH won't accompany me, one of the children will :-D.


  1. waaah, tuh mcm keta kontraktor je kak. orang kaya baru :p
    pasal adventurous tuh, wani tak teringin nak pi hiking sume, tapi wani teringin nak pi marathon, lari-lari tuh... sbb dulu masa sek selalu join marathon.... tapi tuhle marathon byk kat kl kan

  2. Tulah wani...plan nya nak jadi kontraktor KELAS A ;-P

    Jom Wani kita Marathon sesama..:-D

  3. merah lah menarik...lg tertarik hu..hu..hu


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