First Aid Training

  • Warning: Entry campur aduk ini adalah kerana status pemikiran aku yang serabut. Kepada pengkaji2 bahasa, harap maaf!

Semalam aku p training "First Aid" level 2 kat Menzies College. Seharian kat situ. Hala balik singgah office sat, terserempak dgn supervisorku dok mengemas2 bilik dia, sbb next week dia nak outstation/holiday ke Warnambool. Dia pun mengambil kesempatan membebel kat aku, jgn lupa buat ni...jgn lupa buat tu...utk confirmation candidature next week. Aku mcm biasa, angguk jer lah.

Pastu aku terbgtau aku baru habis training CPR semua, ha..ha..ha dia leh tanya "What does that have to do with your PhD?" Errrr... apa aku nak jawab ni, kuang..kuang..kuang...Ada sebab aku pergi sebenarnya, tp malas lah nak supply too much details. Takkan nak ckp utk menyelamatkan tesis aku pulak kan...mahu kena butiran peluru plak ngan dia, KO terus :-P

Alih2 aku ckp because it's free jer lah, which it was. Then, dia leh ckp..."OO you went because it's free?!" secara sarcasticnya. Well, bukanlah aku nak training jadi Firies or work with the Ambos (Aussie slang for firefighters and Ambulance), but it's good to have some extra knowledge, especially with tots running around the house. Salah ke? That, plus one other (biarlah rahsia) reason.:-P Akhirnya, luckily, he let me free & tak press for more info.

Anyway, the training actually membuka mata & minda ke atas perkara2 yang selalunya kita buat masa emergency tp sebenarnya tak brp nak betul atau thought was the right thing to do, tp sebenarnya salah… It’s good to know lah. Although mesti ada yang tak setuju dengan some of the actions or techniques thought in the training.

I hereby want to list some of the unexpected things that I learned during the training:

  1. CPR is hard work! Sakit tangan wes…Nampak dlm TV mcm senang gitu. Not only that, bila sudah dimulakan tidak boleh diberhentikan, kecuali berlakunya beberapa perkara, antaranya – Ambos & the paramedics arrive or you attach the defibrillator machine to the casualty, or you are exhausted or someone else take over.
  2. Kalau ada casualty yg tercekik, you must ask them to cough first, lepas tu tepuk in between tulang belikatnya, instead of the normally seen on TV, squeezing your body from behind. Khabarnya teknik itu menyebabkan kepatahan ribs yg lebih ketara.
  3. Bila ada lebih drpd seorang casualty, we must always assist those who is in direct danger first, then move to the unconscious ones. Dalam byk keadaan, mereka2 yang tidak sedar diri mesti didahulukan kerana they are not able to breath on their own.
  4. There are 7 litres of blood in your body and most of them are situated in your feet. So in most occasion, that’s why your feet must be elevated. Kecuali beberapa situasi tertentu….lupa lah pulak apa exceptions tu (he..he..he kantoi camni)
  5. We must usually apply cold compress in first aid. Hot/warm compress hanya digunakan utk rawatan seterusnya.
  6. Gigi yg patah, masih boleh diselamatkan, dgn syarat ianya diletakkan dlm rendaman air liur tuan punya gigi atau air susu supaya akarnya tidak mati. Tp perlulah segera ke dentist utk tanam semula. Kalau tunggu esok lusa, baik pasang gigi palsu jer lah :-P
  7. There are 12 venomous snake in the world, 11 of them are in Australia…oouch! But then again, brp percent jerlah org mati kena patuk ular kat sini.
  8. Don't believe everything you see on TV! Sometimes, it's being dramatise for obvious make a drama out of the situation :-P
  9. And, finally did you know that it’s actually impossible for you to lick your own elbow! Apa kena mengena dgn first aid pulak – takder kena mengena, just trivia jer :-D


  1. Ehemm.. SV membebel ya... Jealous aku!!

  2. Ko nak ker? Ambik lah..:-p

    Ala klu tak bebel tu bagus jugak...maksudnya ko buat kerja bagus :-D

  3. Wonderful, I now know I'm incapable to rescue people off the street. I would've done more than half of those do-not's you've mentioned.

    P.S - Wow, your SV sounds scary!

  4. Ha..ha..ha me too. Too much midwives' tales @ myth in saving people ;-)

    My SV is one of the kindest & nicest mat saleh I know here actually. He's more like a father to me. A bit on the sarcastic side, but kena pandai2 lah. Bila nak kena, mmg kena lah he..he..he..

  5. itu machiam, Fathers' Day jangan lupa yaa..

  6. Ala macha...bapak aku pun kenkadang aku luper nak celebrate ha..ha..ha


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