Hail...The Queen Bee

It's the Queen Elizabeth's Birthday public holiday today...and coincidentally it's mine too! Anyway, it's just another day, except for the part we saw hail today while shopping at Summerhill...kuang..kuang..kuang. When thinking about it, what are the odds, sbb kalau ikut prosa2 klasik Melayu, ...'hujan emas di negara orang, hujan batu di negara sendiri', and the best part tak pernah lagi kena hujan batu kat negara sendiri, hujan emas apatah lagi...he..he..he.

It started off with heavy rain & strong wind, and then hail. It was only for a short while, but interesting experience. How I wish they turned to diamonds...ha..ha..ha.


  1. perghhhh kalu diamond aku pon nak jugakkkk...duit elaun xcukup nie..hehehe besday hang ka?hepi besday...

  2. ha..ah ler..tenkiu ler. Of course ler kalau diamond dah berkoyan aku bwk balik tadi ;_)

  3. Na, birthday ker? aisay.. Selamat Hari Lahir ker 17 yer.. [opsss.. betoi ler kan? hehe...] Semoga selamat sejahtera dan berbahagia selalu di samping Ibrahim dan anak-anak, di dunia dan di akhirat.. Mesti tak sabar menunggu hari balik Mesia ni yer... hehe..Semoga selamat semuanya .. amin

    -Kak Dayah, Aisyah dan Abah

  4. 17 again lah kak..he..he..he. Terima kasih le. Saya dah start bungkus brg2 dah ni...

  5. Fadz,
    happy birthday!!!.Bila nak balik msia?

  6. Thanks...sebelum puasa lagi dah sampai yeah!!!

  7. kak happy birthday ..eeh 8 june ke? sama ngan birthday anak wani, aisyah la ... alamak, jelesnye, sblm pose dah sampai? aaaarg.. wani time tengah pose kene first year viva :(

  8. Happy bday...!!!
    aisehhh...dah nak balik ehh...
    seronoknyer balik msia time2 winter nih....
    boring dah sejuk ni....
    aliyah dah cuti ker...tak nampak pun kat kinder...afifa selalu carik dia....

  9. Ala balik buat pilot sat jer + raya. Aliyah hr ni sekolah. Dia selalu tak mo bgn tidur..he..he..he. Mama dia pun layan lah...sejuklah katakan.


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