A Facade

Sometimes you can't help it, you want to tell the whole world how you feel, be it happiness or sadness. But sometimes, no matter how hard you wanted to, for reasons only you know, you simply can't do a tell all tale.

So most times you set up a facade. Something to hide your true feelings. So just know that, for some who appears smiling, their tears may have fallen in silence, their hearts broken, their minds dejected. A mere facade.

In this life, we'll always need to be reminded that for everything that we think we have, we'll always be tested with something else.

So say Alhamdulillah, stay true to yourself and be patient, for what you have is all you'll ever need to pass your own test.

A/T: Common sense is so rare nowadays. It pains me to see how difficult it is for some people to be considerate, thoughtful and kind to others.


  1. I love to read everything in your blog. inspiring, full of motivation, and a lot of info too! it was really the 'journey' of your life. keep on writing Puan!

    p/s; salam kenal. Your blog was very helpful. Will be going to Melbourne this Feb to further my study. Oh, and that's the answer how I can found your blog. Reading about the journey in Melbourne, and until now I am still reading about you and your kids! Pray for me ;)

  2. Wahhhh Na,, blog berwajah baru.. :-)
    Cantik.. dan looks profesional..haha..

    Lama tak jumpa..
    bila turun KL, jemput dtg rumah akak.. boleh sembang2 sambil makan nasi beriani gam..:-)

  3. Thank you to a.m. and Kak Hidayah too. I do hope ada benefits from it all

    Refreshed look, senang nak baca sikit, hopefully.

    In Sha Allah, kak, will do :-)


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