Why, Perhaps

Dear love, perhaps you wonder why…

Why did I act in ways I'd never try

Why did I let go of all that I once held dear

Why did I not fear judgment or sneer


Oh love, you asked me why

Why I take chances I'd never dare

Why I no longer feel the need to compare

Why I choose to live my life this rare

Perhaps I was always reckless with my heart

Perhaps I wasn't brave, right from the start

Perhaps I thought my sufferings made me tough

Perhaps I felt like I had enough


Perhaps you didn't know me back then

Perhaps I'm different now, from way back when

Perhaps I've come to embrace the unknown

And I'm not afraid to be on my own


Perhaps I've realized that time is fleeting

And there's no point in retreating

Perhaps it's time to listen to my heart

And let it guide me to where I should start


Perhaps I'm no longer the person you knew

But a phoenix rising from ashes, anew

Perhaps I don't know why I'm this way

Perhaps I'll figure it out, some day


My love, perhaps we’ll never understand

Perhaps it's the journey, not the end

Perhaps it doesn't matter anyway

Perhaps I just wanted to savour my life now...my way.


~ Inspired 6 years later, today…


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